
Jumaat, Jun 07, 2013

Newborn inspiration

taken from NST 7 June 2013

By Nur Aqidah Azizi | nur@mediaprima.com.my

Elated at the birth of his first grandchild, Datuk M Nasir is also eagerly anticipating his visually-charged concert this month, writes Nur Aqidah Azizi

A SMILE spreads across his face as he talks about his granddaughter, born barely a month ago to his eldest son Mohd Ilham. Prolific singer, composer, songwriter and actor, Datuk M Nasir at times looks a little shy when asked about his new title of grandfather. Yet he is obviously happy and proud.

 “I am sorry, I am still struggling to remember her name. It’s a long one,” says the 55-year-old singer, laughing. “Having children and grandchildren are two different experiences. There are no words to describe how I feel at the moment.”
 It looks like the little one will soon be lending inspiration to his  songs.

 “Inspiration can stem from anything. I don’t limit my sources of inspiration but yes, she may be one of them,” he says. The new addition to the family  is not the only thing he’s excited about. There’s also his concert at Istana Budaya later this month.

Konsert Sang Pencinta will be M Nasir’s comeback on the Panggung Sari stage after his first four years ago. It’s slated for three nights, from June 28 to 30 and the two-hour concert will trace his musical journey and legacy.
 “This will be a different kind of performance because fans will be joining in my roller-coaster musical adventure which will be featured in each  song that I will sing. There will be a storyline, more like a musical drama, from the start till the end,” explains M Nasir.

His performance will be enhanced by visual presentations to highlight every story behind the song.
 “There will be a lot of visual mapping techniques adopted for the show which I hope can entertain fans,” he says.
 Working with three different groups of musicians for the concert is another new experience for him.
“The concert will have a combination of professionals from the National Symphony Orchestra and Malaysia Traditional Orchestra. Honestly, I can’t wait to perform with all of them and I believe the combination will offer a different kind of music experience, not only for me but also the fans,” says M Nasir who has been in the industry for three decades.
 “I admit it’s not easy to sing when you have all these musical elements — from modern to the traditional tunes. And with the inclusion of traditional sounds, you know it’s not easy for us to deliver. But I have faith that we will blow fans away.”

Co-produced by Bombay Worldwide, Red On Black and Belbis, Konsert Sang Pencinta is directed by Bombay, with Aznan Alias as the musical director and Mohd Rafi Shafie as string arranger.The concert will feature M Nasir’s hit numbers such as Mentera Semerah Padi, Keroncong Untuk Ana, Andalusia, Mustika and Juwita.
 “In every concert, fans want to hear  old songs, those they remember growing up with. So basically you can expect what songs will be featured in the concert,” he says.

Known for his magical touch as a composer, M Nasir will also perform his self-composed tunes which have been popularised by other singers such as Srikandi Cintaku by Bloodshed. “I realise some fans may prefer the original versions of the song, but I hope they will like my version too,” says M Nasir who is expected to perform a new tune especially composed for the concert. “I am still working on it and the audience will be the first to hear it.”

Rehearsals have started.

He says: “Initially, this concert was scheduled for early June but due to several setbacks, it has been pushed to a later date. But I am okay with the changes since it has given me more time to prepare.
 “I have started vocal training on my own and intensive training will start soon once the new music arrangement is ready. I have no secrets. My voice is a gift from God, and I am grateful for this talent.
 “But it’s important to know your voice limitations and you have to work around it. I don’t have a high voice range so I stick to what I can do best. If this can be considered as a secret, then this is it.”
 A seasoned performer, M Nasir says his aim for the concert is to satisfy his fans with a memorable performance.
 “It will be such an honour to entertain them. To know that I have delivered an unforgettable performance that will be the talk of the town for another 10 or 20 years to come, will be the utmost satisfaction,” he says.

Konsert Sang Pencinta
When: June 28-30 (8.30pm)
Where: Istana Budaya, KL
Tickets for the concert are priced from RM65 to RM455 and can be purchased at www.ticket2u.biz or call 03-4147 8600. For more information, log on to M Nasir Sang Pencinta Live Concert facebook account.

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