
Isnin, Januari 10, 2011

Artistes making headlines

taken from Malay Mail 10 January 2011

MUSICAL shows are a dime a dozen, and rarely does one become a stand­alone individual, engaging art form on its own, on par with the perfor­mances showcased.

Then along came Mujik Produc­tions. With director, sultry crooner Atilia Haron heading the outfit she co-founded in 2006, live music of­ferings have taken on a whole new form.

There was the successful Malam Nada Biru series, which offered a stripped down series of artiste per­formances in an intimate setting.

And now Mujik, with Atilia helm­ing the project as executive producer and along with B'Sync's Adam So­fian Mazlan as show director, comes Acoustic Nights series.

Inspired by the "Live from Abbey Road" produced by Michael Gleason, which featured musicians from vari­ous genres, Acoustic Nights however is a simple, yet rich experience that was recorded with a live audience at KLPac's Pentas 1.

Combining a diverse range of per­formers which includes Aizat, Zainal Abidin, Pesawat, Bittersweet, Adibah Noor and Atilia herself - the show was packed on all three nights, where two acts took to stage each time.

With airing dates over Astro not an­nounced yet, Acoustic Nights, how­ever will take to stage again in March for a continuation of the series that will offer an intimate setting that rids performers of the usual smoke and mirrors and offers only the undeni­able talents showcased.

Acoustic Nights, according to Atilia, will showcase six more acts in three more shows. Names shortlisted so far include M. Nasir and MonoLoque, Hujan and Yuna as well as Ning Bai­zura and Jaclyn Victor.

Although there are no confirma­tion of the line-up or actual dates so far, one thing for sure is, music lovers now can appreciate Malaysian music how it's supposed to be enjoyed. Simple, stripped and with the spot­light on the raw talents of the gifted.

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